Elle’s Story

Elle Adriana Caruso was born April 19th, 2016. A beautiful baby girl that we were so excited to enter in to this world. Her older sister, Ava, right there to rock her in her arms while she sang her the ABC’s. We were so happy these two sisters would have each other for the rest of their lives. God had a different plan for us…

Before her diagnosis, Elle was like every other healthy 4 year old little girl. She was dynamic, full of fun and laughter, with leadership qualities. Elle was silly, selfless, generous and kind. Always the first to share things with others. She was the star of the show, and had the ability to instantly brighten up the room with her presence. She is beautiful, makes us laugh, and is the strongest girl we know.

She loved playing with her older sister, Ava, and her new baby brother, Mason. She is a Disney princess through and through, with Frozen, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast as some of her favorite movies. Her favorite TV show was Bluey and she loved playing Super Mario Brothers on the Nintendo Switch, although her favorite game was Luigi’s Mansion. She loved swimming, dancing, and playing in the backyard. Elle loved going to Sesame Place and would go on as many rides as she could, even the rollercoasters.

A few weeks after her 4th birthday, Elle was diagnosed with an incurable, and inoperable, brain tumor called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (also known as DIPG). A brain tumor that is mostly found in children ages 4-11 years old and for which there is currently no cure. Elle went through thirty rounds of radiation at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and participated in two clinical trials, one in New York City and the other in Philadelphia. We tried everything we could to save our daughter’s life, but after a hard fought 14 month battle, Elle went to heaven on July 30, 2021, at the precious age of 5 years old.

Elle lived an incredible 5 years on this earth. She loved going to the beach, especially Ocean City NJ, where she would jump the waves with her sister and play with her favorite beach toy, Surfer Dudes. Elle also got to experience the most magical place on Earth, Disney World, which was a dream come true. Disney was such an amazing trip for all of us and we are so happy that Elle had the opportunity to experience all that Disney had to offer.

Elle loved playing with her Barbie dolls and doll house that was in her bedroom. She enjoyed riding her scooter and was just beginning to learn how to ride her bike. She is the type of girl who would get knocked down and get right back up. Elle was the toughest little girl we knew, not afraid to take any chances. If you would ask her what her favorite color was, she would say rainbow, just like her older sister Ava.

Ava and Elle, only being 2 years apart, did everything together. One of their favorite things to do together was to dress up and play in the playroom. They were inseparable and loved doing whatever it was the other one was doing. Their love only got stronger when we brought their little brother home, Mason. Elle was so happy to be a big sister and absolutely loved Mason with all of her heart. He would put a smile on her face no matter what she was going through that day. We were blessed that Elle received as many sacraments as she could, including being confirmed.

Countless support throughout her 14 month battle with DIPG brought so many people together, all because of one little girl who showed the world how hard a 5 year old could fight. Elle was an inspiration to so many. Battling for her life and never complaining. Going through the unthinkable at times. Elle had the ability to give people hope in their own lives, something we will continue to honor through our new journey, Elle’s Angels Foundation.